Wow, what a year! It was a crazy rollercoaster of ups and downs.
Here is a brief look at my 2023:
- I entered a new relationship with an amazing guy. We have a lot in common and a connection I never experienced before with anyone. Things moved fast, it was like we were on a crazy train. We’ve had ups and downs, laughs and tears, but through it all we are stronger together.
- I had been promoted just before the year began…halfway through the year I was dealing with a lot in my personal life, and made some stupid mistakes with my cash, so I was demoted…despite knowing I could do a better job. I blew it…but would like to continue advancement.
- I had a lot of ups and downs:
- My car’s engine blew a gasket and had to be replaced. I spent a very cold night in the car in the winter in the middle of nowhere. My car had several problems throughout the year.
- I moved out of the women’s shelter I called home for five months, and into a basement apartment…then six months later moved in with my boyfriend when we felt we had no other choice. It’s not easy fitting another person into my solo life, but I wouldn’t trade him for anything or anyone.
- There were trials at work, in my family, and in my relationship. I’ve made it through, still battling some things.
- I had dreams, and I had dreams dashed.
- I learned to set boundaries with some people in my life.
That was 2023 in a nutshell. I have a few goals for 2024 and beyond:
- Build a stronger relationship with my boyfriend and become the woman he deserves.
- Get a promotion at work.
- Help my son raise his grades to at least an 85% average.
- Publish a book.
- Make an average of 5000$ per month in my business (this is beyond 2024).
- Leave my job to write full-time (also beyond 2024)
Why do I share these with you? Because I want to motivate myself to actually get-er-done…but also maybe inspire you to set your own goals. On the road of life, we’re all in this together.
I am still in the biggest fight of my life, doing everything I can to get back on my feet.
So now that I have given my update and told you about my goals, I want to know what your goals are for 2024 and beyond…and what you accomplished, or what obstacles you overcame in 2023. Write me in the comments or private message!
Whatever you are facing, whatever obstacles are in your way, whatever brick wall rose up in front of you, whatever mountain you have to climb…I know you can do this. You got this, and I wish for you that you will have the best year yet.
My favourite quote:
The future is what you make it. So make it a good one. ~Doc Brown (Back to the Future)
My other favourite quote:
Do or do not. There is no try. ~Yoda (Star Wars)
And one more:
Every mountain top is within reach if you just keep climbing.
Be awesome and may your life be passionate!