I’ve written on the subject of time travel before. Some would say I’ve written too much. Maybe you’ll understand better if you read this post. I’ve always been intrigued by ripping the seams of time and entering a past (or future) reality.
This reminds me of a Simpsons episode. Hey, if you know me, you know a reference to The Simpsons was bound to come up sooner or later.
Homer Simpson accidentally travels back in time in one of their patented Hallowe’en episodes. He tries to think back on some timeless advice his father gave him.
(Did anyone else read that in his voice?)
Isn’t that standard advice given to any time traveler?
So, if this is the case, then why don’t we make a small change to alter our present course and therefore our future?
Can you really bend the fabric of time?
What if I told you we can apply the principles of time travel to our lives, without ever leaving 2022?
Buckle up folks, and I will show you how!
- You know where your life is right now. You can kind of see where you’re heading. What if you changed just one small habit, and consistently did it each day? Perhaps you would find yourself eventually in a different spot than you would have if you didn’t take the action. An example would be that you would like to be more in shape. If you keep going with a sedentary lifestyle, then in the future you will be in worse shape. Getting fit may be too much of a stretch for you. You may feel overwhelmed. What if you took a 30-minute walk every single day? It’s a small step, so to speak, but over time it will change the trajectory of your life. You don’t have to take grandiose action…just one small thing done consistently. For more on this topic, I suggest you read The 1 Degree Shift by Flora Sage or The Slight Edge by Jeff Olson.
- Ask yourself: In 20 years, what will your future self wish you had done today? What small thing can you do today? As said above, even the smallest change can eventually make a big impact.
- Reflect. Think about a time when your life veered in a direction that you wish didn’t go. You can’t go back to change it, but what you can do is act as if you went in the right direction at the time. Act as if you had the right information to make the right decisions back then. If you were physically active back then, what would you do daily today? Pretend that you’re already in the habit of working out. Basically, act as if. Act as if you have whatever it is you want in your life.
- Change your mindset. This is the biggest thing you can do to improve your life. Don’t ruminate over the past. Don’t have a pity party or think “Woe is me!” Look at your past as a learning experience. You wouldn’t do that horrible thing again. Change your actions in the present to change your future. If you were a bully to others when you were younger, change your actions by being kind.
- Think of others. Everyone remembers the past differently. What you think was horribly embarrassing, for example, might not be remembered by someone who was there…or they may remember it differently. Believe it or not, our memories are very subjective. What you think was horrible may not have been that bad at all.
So, this is why time travel appeals to me. I’m not normally into science fiction concepts, but this one has captured my imagination, and finally helped me to start turning my life around. And that, my friends, is why I’ve been so enamored with time travel movies.
I wish I could say it was all sunshine and roses after I started to apply these concepts. Unfortunately I still have a lot of things to deal with, and I still have a lot of ups and downs. But hey, that’s life.
Don’t expect a magic bullet to turn your life around. It takes work, but if you apply these concepts, and others you will find on the Passionate Quill website, you will gradually find yourself in another time and place, living your best life.
Be awesome and may your life be passionate!