I wrote these “rules” just before 2022 began. I will never be perfect; no one is. But I want to strive for excellence after living a half-assed life. This is a list of things I want to keep in mind as I turn my life into something better. It’s a long journey, but what else are we on the earth for, if not to grow, learn, be, and do? I worded these in the third person, but these are really what I hope to implement in my own life. Enjoy, and may your life be passionate!
1. Keep dreaming
2. Don’t complain
3. Consistency is key
4. Say kind words to and about everyone
5. Do my best every day and strive for excellence
6. Prioritize
7. Say hello to everyone you meet on the street
8. Don’t let fear stop you from doing what you want to do
9. Listen actively
10. Solve problems
11. Believe
12. Be independent
13. Ask for help when needed
14. Always be moving forward
15. Be positive
16. Take care of your mind, body, and soul
17. Help others and give to others
18. Don’t procrastinate
19. No half-assing
20. Don’t worry too much
21. Don’t care what other people think of you
22. Enjoy every day to the fullest
23. Don’t take life for granted
24. Laugh often
25. Get out of your comfort zone often
26. Don’t take things personally
27. Don’t be defensive
28. Respond to criticism properly
29. Feel emotions but don’t let them control you
30. Walk in other people’s shoes
31. Be confident
32. Spend time outside daily and get a lot of sun
33. Move your body every day
34. Eat healthy
35. Drink water
36. Don’t get frustrated
37. Don’t compare your beginning with someone else’s happily ever after
38. Be passionate in every area of life
39. Strive for excellence
40. Have an attitude of gratitude
41. You only can’t if you don’t
42. Work hard and work smart
43. Work through the pain
44. Be honest
45. Learn from your mistakes
46. Don’t run or hide from your problems; solve them
47. Push forward no matter the obstacle
48. Don’t waste time but take breaks when needed
49. Love completely
50. Your future hasn’t been written yet – you have the power to change it