*written on August 13, 2023

Today marks the anniversary of a turning point in my life. A year ago today was the day I made the decision to leave a bad situation the second and final time.

And it has changed my life.

I learned to stand on my own two feet.

I learned that I’m stronger than I thought I was.

I moved into a women’s shelter, where I stayed for five months.

I got a new job after being a homemaker for 12 years. I worked hard, I got promoted.

I met the love of my life who is showing me what a healthy relationship is supposed to be like…when I thought I was unlovable.

My son went to public school and was in the care of my sister for the year. He is thriving and I am proud of the young man he is growing into, and so thankful I had my sister to help out when I was working hard to get back on my feet. Being without my son for days at a time was hard, but I knew it was best for him.

I have faced criticism on many decisions I made, but I have also received support.

I learned to set boundaries.

I learned I can do things on my own, when I thought I had to rely on other people.

I learned to make my own decisions based on what I believe is best for my situation.

I learned that I’m funny and can make people laugh.

There have been many ups and downs, but always moving in a forward direction.

I’ve had car problems, work issues, and had doors slammed in my face.

I’ve seen the light at the end of the tunnel. Sometimes it’s the sun shining down on a rainy day. Sometimes it’s a train, barreling down the tracks toward me. Sometimes the light just goes out.

Yet I still kept pushing on.

Through obstacles.

Through negativity.

Through judgements.

Through closed doors.

A year later, I am moving into an apartment with the love of my life. My son is coming home, where he belongs. My work ethic has returned at work. While I still have confidence and self-esteem issues, I remain positive for the future.

It may take a while, but I will get where I’m going before I die.

This is my journey. This is my memoir in the making.

Be awesome and may your life be passionate!


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