Kelly E. Klein

Author Bio

Kelly Klein is an author of romance novels and non-fiction books. Nothing published yet, but it won’t be long now! She believes that everyone can be the heroine and attract the right hero. Kelly loves the ocean, taking walks, people, and solitude. She makes her home in Nova Scotia. Find her on the Internet at Passionate Quill and Facebook.

Mission Statement

I write quality novels to allow women to escape into another world. I show what is possible in a romantic relationship through fiction, gripping the reader’s heart and mind. I write so that women believe they can be the romance novel heroine and can find a man like the romance novel hero. My heroines learn and grow throughout the novel, and in turn my readers learn as they turn the pages. My readers live through my characters and experience their emotions. Through my writing, I will do my part to change the world. I also create products related to romance and living your best life.

Passionate Quill Website

Where romance meets reality! Passionate Quill is your guide to pursuing a passionate life.This website exists to

  • help those struggling in their lives, to live their best life
  • discuss everything romance – for those wanting a more romantic existence
  • discuss everything writing – for those who want to learn more about the craft
  • discuss everything romance writing – for those who want to write romance novels
  • tell my journey – to help others who are experiencing what I’ve been through
  • and much, much more!

Join Kelly Klein as she embarks on a romantic journey through life, and inspires you to do the same!

What’s in a Name?

Why Passionate Quill? My first choice was to call it The Romantic Quill because I write romances and also write romance articles on my website. However, it didn’t completely convey what my business represents. My characters are passionate, hopefully inspiring my readers to be passionate (in more ways than one). A passionate life is the only way to live. I am also passionate about writing and growth in my own life. This website has articles about romance, writing, and writing romance. So The Passionate Quill name fit.

Social Media

Be awesome and may your life be passionate!