I struggled for a long time before taking the plunge with my business and website. I still struggle, since I haven’t developed the confidence to publish anything.

I’d like to believe my purpose is to bring more romance into the world…but how could I do so if I didn’t have any real experience in that area?

Since I was a little girl I had but three dreams: Be a romance author, travel the world, and…meet my hero and live happily ever after.

Unfortunately, my self-esteem told me I would never find that person, so I settled into the first crush I had that gave me a chance, in my mid-twenties. He didn’t treat me well and I always felt there was something missing.

This is how I lived for the next sixteen years. Hardly an authority on romance, huh? And therein lies the struggle. How do I bring more romance to the world when I’m lacking the experience?

I eventually found myself in a new relationship. A relationship I wasn’t ready for…but we have this connection I never felt before. We have so much in common. But I still screw up more often than I’d like. So, despite being in what feels like the right relationship for me, I don’t feel like I can be an authority on the subject of romance.

My dream seems out of reach. It’s hard sitting at the bottom of a brick wall, taller than any other obstacle, with no ladder in sight.

I know relationships aren’t all fairytales. There is the meeting and the connection. There is getting to know each other. There are the ups and downs. There are doubts…even if you are meant to be together. There are disagreements. Everything will not be all sunshine and roses. But when you come out on the other side, you’ll be stronger together, and you’ll appreciate the sunshine.

I would like to believe my relationship will last forever. I work on it, and he works on it. I noticed all the great relationships have a few things in common. I realized I would like to help people not make the same mistakes I made in the past, and still do today. Hindsight is, after all, 20/20. If I knew then what I know now…if I know now what my future self knows…

Actually, if I knew then before I was in too deep in my last relationship…because let me tell you, the deeper you get, the harder it is to let go.

I dream of helping people find and keep the romance of their dreams. I have recently expanded my dream – I want to help people live the life of their dreams, defined on their own terms.

Don’t be like me; living a settled-for life…living a life of regret. If I could do it all over again, I would take all my own advice. I am working towards living a better life, becoming a better me, and I want to help others do the same.

However, I can’t completely regret my last relationship. I have the most wonderful son that came out of it.

I always knew my purpose involved writing and romance. Let me assist you on your journey of loving and being loved. This site is more geared towards women because I am one, but there may be helpful articles for men as well. This site is also geared towards heterosexual relationships because that is my situation and what I have personal knowledge and experience in. I don’t think it’d be right for me to talk about relationship issues I know nothing about. I am accepting of others and their sexual orientation, but I can’t comment on the issues they go through because I don’t have firsthand knowledge.

I am very much in love with my boyfriend, but we have our obstacles. We both have baggage. We are both scarred. Life has chewed us up and spit us out. We have been to hell and back twice. We are broken, battered, and bruised.


Despite all that, we reached out a hand to the other and shone some light in an otherwise dreary life. We both work on the relationship and our new lives together.

I am confident we will follow each other into forever, and this blog is my story.

So, while not everything is a fairytale, and all sunshine and rainbows, you can have your own happy ending.

This is my journey.

Be awesome and may your life be passionate!

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