For a change of pace, I thought it would be fun to discuss what fictional couples belong together. So many shows had their fans divided based on which person belonged with which person. Heated debates arose. Chaos ensued.

I enjoy reading and writing romance. My business is based on romance. I’m always dreaming about my own fairytale romance. I know no relationship is perfect, but I believe we can strive to get close, but I digress.

It’s not surprising that I also enjoy movies and television that have a romance at the forefront or as a major subplot.

Some romances I agree with, and some made me turn off the television in frustration. I’m going to discuss various screen couples – the good, the bad, and the sigh-worthy.

Beverly Hills, 90210

This was my favourite show in junior high and high schools. The first couple on my mind is Brandon Walsh and Kelly Taylor. They definitely belong together. They both had plenty of relationships, but when they became a couple they had great chemistry, but also worked as a couple in the reality of life (as real as it gets in glamourous Beverly Hills). They worked together as a team and were truly in love. Brandon was my favourite character, and if he didn’t leave the show a season early, I truly believe he would have finally married Kelly.

Next up are David Silver and Donna Martin. They are just sweet together. He was willing to wait for her to be ready to make love. She surprised him with a special night and he asked, “How’d I get to be so lucky?” She smiled and said, “You waited.” I was beyond the moon excited when they finally worked everything out and tied the knot.

Now I want to cover the love triangle of Dylan McKay, Brenda Walsh, and Kelly Taylor. Yeah, I’m going there. Dylan was attracted to Brenda and vice versa when they first met. She understood him and they were great together. Kelly was just a steamy affair but had no power to last. She had a better relationship with Brandon.

Andrea Zuckerman belongs with Jesse Vasquez and Steve Sanders belonged with Claire Arnold, in my opinion. Nothing much to say about those two couples besides that.

Fifty Shades of Grey, Darker, and Freed

Many have said Christian Grey and Anastasia Steele have a toxic relationship. I disagree. It started out in a non-traditional way, but over time they started to grow together; both changing to become better people. I would worry about the relationship if that wasn’t so. They changed each other and grew together. He also brought her into a world she never knew. I’m not talking about the money; I’m talking about the romance. The whole thing is very sigh-worthy.

The Adventures of Sinbad

The eternal debate among the Nomads and Adventurers is Sinbad’s proper love interest. Does he belong with Maeve…or Bryn? It only makes sense for him to end up with Maeve. They have more chemistry. There are more moments. Their relationship has depth, and it’s clear they have feelings for each other. Sinbad was so upset when Maeve left the crew that he started to be with every woman who crossed his path. A woman in every port. When Maeve was a part of their crew, he held himself back, as if holding out for her. He was still reminded of her in the further adventures. They were close and if she didn’t leave they would have gotten together. When she would return, I know they would have continued where they left off. They would have had more moments. They would have a life together.

Anne of Green Gables

Anne Shirley and Gilbert Blythe were clearly meant for each other. He teased her in the beginning only because he didn’t want anyone to know he was attracted to her. They soon became friends and fit together perfectly. It was only a matter of time before they got married and settled down.


Jamie Fraser and Claire Randall. This couple was definitely meant to be. So much so that their romance crossed the span of time. They were attracted to each other from the start – it was obvious to the reader and viewer. I love the way he looks at her. Making love is sensual and different than when either of them lay with someone else. The chemistry between them is awesome. I haven’t seen better on the big screen or the little screen. Their romance is definitely sigh-worthy. They love each other immensely and would do anything for each other.

Dawson’s Creek

This is a big one. There really is no middle ground. The show is called Dawson’s Creek but it quickly became Joey’s show. Who will she choose in the end? The writers went a different route than I wanted them to. It didn’t make sense to me why they did it that way. Joey Potter’s choices were Dawson Leery and Pacey Whitter. They have been a group of friends since a very young age. Joey was crushing on Dawson but would never admit it, even to herself. They know everything about each other and have great chemistry. It was only natural that they got together. Pacey belonged with Andy McPhee. He has helped her so much and they were so in love. So why did Pacey and Joey end up together in the end? Fans of that union would say Dawson and Joey had a toxic relationship. I disagree. I think Joey self-sabotaged every time she came close to being happy – that had something to do with her past. I see Dawson and Joey as being soulmates. Everyone knows it, even if they won’t admit it. They’ve known each other forever and just seem like a great fit. She never feels the same about Pacey, even though he is a good friend. People say Dawson and Joey have too much of a fairytale relationship, and that makes it toxic. What is wrong with at least trying to make it a fairytale? Joey just wouldn’t let herself be happy. To me, they just felt right. I don’t think Pacey belonged with anyone but Andy. He cared for her deeply and she believed in him when no one else did. They just felt right together. The Pacey / Joey fans like that it’s not so fairytale-like because that’s just not realistic to them…but I believe it CAN be realistic. Maybe I’m a dreamer, or maybe I’m not cynical like the Joey / Pacey-ers. I don’t see why they consider Joey / Dawson toxic. They did it to themselves, keeping themselves apart. They didn’t let outside circumstances control their relationship. In real life I believe they would have stayed together. High school sweethearts that get married and make a life together. It seems like the writers of the show tried to make their relationship more dramatic than it was believable that part of the relationship seemed very well unlike real life. It’s OK for them to experience other relationships over the course of the series to keep things interesting, but Joey and Dawson should have ultimately ended up together.

Sweet Valley High

Elizabeth Wakefield, my favourite character and the one I most relate to, belongs with Todd Wilkins. End of story. She doesn’t have the same chemistry or feelings for any other guy. They did end up together in the end, after they both had several other relationships.

Queer As Folk

Brian Kinney and Justin Taylor are a match made in heaven. They had chemistry from the very beginning and Brian obviously felt differently about Justin than his other conquests. He would never admit it because he had a certain reputation. Yet, the way Brian looks at Justin, especially when Justin doesn’t notice…it’s so heart-melting. And although Brian is often annoyed by Justin, he is often worried about him. Brian has never cared about another man in that way. What he does for Justin he has never done for anyone else. Brian tries to hide his feelings but you can see that he finally met the man for him.

Fuller House

This is a tough one. DJ Tanner’s old boyfriend Steve Hale returned, but she had a new love interest, Matt Harmon. At first I was all for Matt. He’s handsome, successful, and caring. I felt as though DJ grew up while Steve did not. She moved on, got married to a firefighter who died in the line of duty. Matt is sometimes fun and immature but most of the time he is a fully functioning adult. I always believed people only liked DJ with Steve because he was her high school sweetheart and a familiar character. Then I started to watch Full House – all the original episodes. I forgot what DJ and Steve’s relationship was like back then. After all these years they found their way back to each other. I may change from Team Matt to Team Steve yet!

WKRP in Cincinnati

This one involves the character I most relate to: Bailey Quarters. I swear she is me as a television character. Side note, her actor Jan Smithers actually lived in Halifax for quite a few years after WKRP ended. Anyway, this is about Andy Travis vs. Johnny Caravella. Who should it be? My choice is Andy, hands down. There was chemistry between Bailey and Johnny Fever, but there was something missing. Andy always gave her a chance whenever their boss, Arthur Carlson, didn’t think she could do it. Andy believed in her. They had chemistry and always looked at each other in that special way. Bailey always tried to do her best for Andy, and he encouraged her to speak up and be a part of the team, when everyone else negated her contribution. Unfortunately, they never even came close to becoming a couple. I just wanted them to.


These are just a few of the television and movie couples I wanted to end up together. Are there others that you rooted for that either ended up together or they went with the completely wrong person? Share it in the comments!

Be awesome and may your life be passionate!

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