I am going to start this post with a quote:
“And the moon said to me, ‘My Darling, you do
not have to be full in order to shine.’”
It got me thinking. I spent my entire life waiting for the perfect moment.
When I first started out in the field of romance and writing, I didn’t have any real experience in either area. I had my first boyfriend and kiss at the age of 26, and although I wrote a lot since my dream began when I was ten or younger, I didn’t publish anything.
I had a passion for those two things, so starting a business that incorporated both was the perfect dream for me. Then I realized I had no experience. How could I even hope to help others if I didn’t have the fruit on the tree? No published work, and a less-than-ideal relationship. Yet, I knew in my heart of hearts this was my reason for being. I guess you could call it my purpose.
As you can imagine, I had a lot to ponder, and I had to figure out how to break out into this field. I settled into the habit of procrastination, believing I didn’t have what it takes.
Then one day I found myself writing reflections relating to romance and my life. So many regrets in my young life. I wish I had done this, but I wish I hadn’t done that. As cliché as it sounds, I wish I knew then what I know now. Then it hit me. I may not have the experience, but I still learned lessons. Lessons that I can share. I could help people after all!
So the seeds of an idea were planted. I’ve been working hard on different aspects of my business. I can teach what not to do and what I wish I did, while implementing my ideas in my own life. Everybody wins!
I may not have experience in what I’m trying to give to the world (happy and romantic and normal relationship and fairytale ending), but I am passionate about other people not having what I have. I’m passionate about helping people find better relationships. Perhaps I can show the mistakes I’ve made and hope that others don’t make the same mistakes. Maybe, in time, I will have that normal and happy relationship.
My point is, you don’t need to be experienced to start. You don’t have to have it all together. You can work on you while shining…you don’t have to wait until you’re perfect, or you’ll be waiting a long time. You will get better during the process. And you can help people who aren’t as far on the path as you.
Don’t let inexperience hold you back. No matter where you are, you can be a light. You can be successful. Don’t wait until the perfect moment. Just start. Experience will come. And you will one day be living your dreams!
Be awesome and may your life be passionate!
Edited to add: I wrote this before I did eventually find a new relationship with an amazing guy…so dreams CAN come true!