Do critics ever have anything better to do than to criticize everything we do? Apparently not. Sometimes I feel like they would get a lot further in their life if they spent more time and energy on doing their own thing, rather than spew negativity to those that are doing it.

Critics never know what they’re talking about. I just watched an amazing romantic movie that the critics hated. I normally hate movies they like and vice versa. So…why would I believe what the critic says about anything? We all have our own opinions, and I don’t want to let critics determine what I do with my life, what I write about, or how I feel about myself.

A quote that I like to keep in mind: It’s for who it’s for.

Nothing is for everyone. But there is someone out there who it IS for. That goes for everything you do. We can’t expect everyone to like us.

Those who can, do. Those who can’t, criticize.

I noticed that the more you do with your life, the more you attract critics. So if you find yourself being criticized, you must be doing something right.

Everyone who does anything with their lives will have people who find fault with what they do. I’ve always wanted to be a writer, and even though I’ve had some support, here are some of the comments I’ve received over the years:

  • “You don’t have the grades to be a writer…so be a library technician instead.”
  • “Writing isn’t a real profession.”
  • “You’ll be a starving artist. Writing won’t pay the bills.”
  • “Writing isn’t something to be proud of.”
  • “Why would you want to write when there are so many other things out there you could do?”
  • “You don’t have what it takes.”
  • “Grow up. Get your head out of the clouds.”
  • “Romance is fluff reading; why not write something more intellectual?”
  • “Out of all things, why would you be a writer?”
  • “The only real writing is literary. Mainstream fiction isn’t real literature.”

My point is not to listen to anyone who doesn’t have the fruit on the tree. That is to say, someone who’s not where you want to be. Anyone else wouldn’t understand what it takes, or even see progress. As long as you are further ahead than you were yesterday, then you are on the right track.

Here are some tips on how you can rise above criticism to live your best life:

  1. Don’t be a critic yourself. Spend your time and energy doing what’s right for you” focusing on your own life.
  2. Ignore the critics. It’s funny, but I honestly like a lot of things critics hated, and don’t like a lot of things critics loved…which brings me to my next point:
  3. It’s for who it’s for. If you write romance, for example, don’t get down if a reader of thrillers gives you a bad review. We all have different interests, but no matter what you do, you will find your tribe; the people who need whatever it is you do in their life.
  4. You do you because you’re the one that lives your life. It shouldn’t matter to others what you do. It’s easier to be negative towards others than it is to be encouraging.
  5. They may not know what they do. Cut them a little slack. They may not know how else to be because of their past.
  6. Listen, then move on. Take what you can to improve, and leave the rest behind. We can all learn something from everyone.
  7. Learn not to care about what other people think. It’s hard, but worth it.
  8. Do what you love and are passionate about. If I have surgery, I want a doctor who loves their job; not someone who is only doing it for money, or someone who listened to critics.
  9. Surround yourself with positive people that support you; let go of the negative people that hold you back.
  10. Read biographies of people who rose above despite their circumstances and the critics.

They don’t erect statues or give awards to the critics. The critics try to tell us what to like or dislike. Don’t listen to them. Think for yourself. And that includes how you feel about yourself and what you do.

My dream has always been writing, but this goes for any dream you have. Remember, statues are never erected to critics. Do you have any points to add? Do you have a related story to tell? Write me in the comments!

May your life be passionate!

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