Hello! And welcome to my annual tradition of reflecting on the lessons I’ve learned in the past year, and what goals I hope to achieve in the next year!

I am hoping that writing a post like this holds me accountable to achieve these goals…because if I don’t, how can I help others achieve theirs? Or at the very least inspire them?

What I Accomplished in 2024

  • I finished the first draft of the first book in my trilogy as well as just finished self-editing…now onto the professional editor!
  • I started the Passionate Quill newsletter…feel free to sign up and receive a free ebook written by me!
  • I received several certificates of recognition at work
  • I started searching for a job better aligned with my abilities, values, and passions
  • I started to actually like myself

Lessons I Learned in 2024

  • Strength. I am stronger than I thought I was. Every obstacle and adversity only makes me stronger. I’ve been through a lot and am still going through a lot, but somehow I’m not jaded and bitter (most of the time). I still have hopes and dreams and I still work towards them every day, even if it’s not evident to people on the outside looking in.
  • If it’s got to be, it’s up to me. I can’t depend on gatekeepers. I applied several times to different positions in the company I work for and constantly denied. I have applied to many jobs and am constantly denied. If I want to be someone, I can’t rely on someone to decide whether or not I’m worthy. I can’t let someone else determine my financial future. And I’m not going to resort to less ethical ways of getting ahead in someone else’s company. If I want to get somewhere in life, I can’t be working for someone else.
  • I am better suited for entrepreneurship. I am better coming up with my own ways of doing things instead of being told what to do. I work better when I’m given a task and it doesn’t matter how I do it, as long as it gets done. Micromanaging is not for me.
  • Like attracts like. The more negative I am and the more I dwell on the negative things that happen, the more negativity seems to be attracted to me. It works with the positive as well.
  • Memories can never be taken away from me. I lost my phone in a swamp. I was able to get all my information back…except for my photos. There were a lot of special moments captured. I since learned to back up irreplaceable things like that, but I realized the most special moments I can remember the photo with amazing detail. Then it came to me – my memories don’t live at the bottom of the swamp. I still have the memories that make me smile.
  • Love. At one point, you have to decide if the ups and downs and everything is worth it.
  • Popularity is fleeting. All my life I’ve been the unpopular one. I tried to be like other people, but I became someone I didn’t like. So, at what cost was I chasing popularity? I learned it is better to be myself. Besides, being myself means I may attract the right people in my life that don’t care if I’m different, and I’m quite a bit different from others…some would say I’m weird. I prefer the term eccentric.
  • Lesson repeated until lesson learned. I keep going through the same things…I apparently didn’t learn the lesson yet. There are so many lessons to learn and mistakes to make, why do I keep making the same ones?
  • Only the disciplined are free. To truly be free, I have to be disciplined. If I want to achieve any goal, I have to be disciplined and consistent. I won’t get anywhere without it.
  • Sometimes you have to go slow in order to go fast. If I keep pushing forward constantly, I may be just spinning my tires and getting nowhere. I’ve learned that sometimes I need to stop, reflect on my situation, and even take a break. Then when I get back at it, I go faster.

My Goals for 2025

  • Publish a book. I’m closer than I’ve ever been and determined to get there. It’s my dream, and while I’ve had people tell me to give up that dream, I can’t. I am determined to make a living doing what I love instead of being miserable in a job that’s not right for me.
  • Leave my current job for a better opportunity. Whether it’s to write, or just something that’s a better fit for  me, I am determined to leave retail, where I don’t belong.
  • Achieve a monthly income of 5000.00. That may take more than a year. It may combine a 9-5 traditional job with my writing. Or I might get lucky and have it all come from my writing somehow.
  • Get back to my pre-pregnancy weight. I was skinny until motherhood. I’m not happy with how out-of-shape I’m in.
  • Improve all the “selfs” – because if I don’t help myself, I won’t be able to help others.
    • Self-Love
    • Self-Compassion
    • Self-Esteem
    • Self-Worth
    • Self-Image
    • Self-Trust
    • Self-Confidence
    • Self-Reliance
    • Self-Awareness

Habits I Need to Start in 2025

  • Cleaning. I know I need to be more organized and clean regularly. I know I have it in me and clutter bothers me.
  • Exercise daily. I used to be in the habit of dancing daily and it’s something I enjoy doing. I know it would put me in better shape. Hoping to take a dance class at some point.
  • Writing daily. I enjoy writing, but often I put it off to do “more important” things. But writing should be a priority to me.
  • Reading daily. I am used to reading every day but haven’t been making time for it in the last year or so. I love to read romance novels, self-improvement books, books on writing, among other genres.
  • Random acts of kindness. I do what I can, but now I’m going to work even harder at random acts of kindness and paying it forward.

Behaviours I Need to Change in 2025

  • Complaining. I know I rant and complain too much. This needs to change. This includes commenting on every bad driver I encounter (my son doesn’t believe I can be quiet about the drivers!).
  • Positivity. I need to work on being more positive in thoughts, words, and deeds.
  • Speak well of others to them and behind their backs. Also point out the good things I notice them doing.
  • Compliment others. If I notice something then I will tell them. I try to do that with customers at work, if I like their shirt or necklace or whatever.
  • Active listening skills. I sometimes interrupt when I don’t mean to, but I think that comes from me never being able to get a word in edgewise because I’m so quiet. I often have to jump in or risk no one hearing what I say.
  • Respond to situations with a cool head instead of react with emotion.

My Words for the Year

I have three key words to live by that have been my words for several years.

  • Believe – Belief in myself, my abilities, a brighter future, and belief in other people.
  • Transformation – Transforming into a better person like the caterpillar, to the chrysalis, to the butterfly.
  • Freedom – Always working towards being truly free. Freedom is my main goal in life – freedom financially, freedom to pursue my passions, freedom to travel, freedom to live my adult life the way I see fit.

Encouragement for Others

I hope reading this post you are inspired to work on your life and become a better person. Reflect on your accomplishments in the past year, the lessons you’ve learned, and the events you experienced. Reflect on the future, the goals you set for your life, and what you hope to achieve. Only you can make your future a good one.

What goals have you set for 2025? I want to hear them! We can cheer each other on! This is your year!

You Got This!

Be awesome and may your life be passionate!

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