Dear Santa,
I don’t need a lot of things. I am a simple person leading a simple life. However, I do have a few requests that you may be able to help me out with.
My first request is Respect. My wish is that everyone can learn to respect everyone else, regardless of their gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, race, age, or anything.
I also wish for Tolerance. I wish people would learn that not everyone is the same, and that the whole world would be boring if we were all the same. If we are tolerant of other people, maybe we could learn a lot from them.
My next wish is for a stronger connection to my spirituality. It is a lonely path when no one understands what I’m doing and how I forge that connection with divinity. My wish is to not be labeled eccentric just because I’m different. I wish to be accepted as I am, all the while able to practice my religion and connection to my deities.
I also wish that everyone would think long and hard about what they’re doing and do the right thing. There are too many people out there who are hurting the ones they love, all the while not realizing what they’re doing.
I wish all war would end. We are not solving anything by fighting. The world is getting more cruel all the time. It’s sad that we can’t get along. We have to fight because we have differing opinions. Why can’t we all be friends?
I wish that everyone young and old would remember during this holiday season what we’re thankful for. There are so many people out there who have less. I wish people would stop taking things for granted. They should be thankful they can drink that glass of water. A lot of people around the world don’t have clean drinking water.
I wish that people would spread positive energy around, instead of being negative all the time. I wish people would focus on the good, instead of the bad. There’s a silver lining to every cloud.
I wish people would treat Mother Earth with the respect she deserves. I wish people would stop littering, and start recycling and composting more. Without Her we would not have life.
I wish people would stop treating animals like they mean nothing. I wish people would realize that humans are animals too and we need to co-exist with them, instead of cruelly hurting them when it is not needed. They are our friends.
Santa, is my request possible? Will there ever be a time when we’re at peace and live in a positive world? Will this planet ever be fixed? Please, this doesn’t seem like a hard thing to do. We just need the cooperation of all other humans. Seems impossible, but I would appreciate it if you could see what you can do.