

Hi! I’m Kelly and excited to proofread your document! I am a writer myself and I understand the importance of a well-edited manuscript.


I use the Chicago Manual of Style as my guide, and I will edit using either British or American spelling your choice!


What I will fix in your writing:

  • spelling and typographical errors (typos)
  • grammar
  • punctuation
  • style
  • sentence structure
  • inconsistencies


Types of writing I accept:

  • fiction short stories, a chapter in a novel
  • non-fiction
  • essays for high school or junior high
  • blog posts
  • resumes
  • memos
  • emails
  • you get the idea


What I don’t accept:

  • works with medical, legal, or technical jargon


Turnaround time:

48 hours.


Format of the writing:

Microsoft Word; I will use the track changes feature so you can see exactly what corrections I made and you can choose to accept them.


My rate is 10.00 for 1000 words!


Once you add to cart how many words you need proofread and the payment goes through, send me the document at and I will proofread it within 48 hours if it’s 5000 words or less. Any more will obviously take a little longer.


I look forward to proofreading your document!


Do you need a proofreader? My services are available at a competitive price!


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