Do we have a purpose? Is there a reason we are on this planet besides being born, living a bunch of years, and then dying? I would like to believe we all have a reason for living. We all have a purpose. I will tell you how I knew what mine was, and how you can find yours too.
It all starts with passion. We all have something deep inside us that we’re passionate about. Something we can’t get enough of. If you haven’t discovered your thing yet, that’s OK. It’s never too late.
I learned to read and write earlier than most and I enjoyed creative writing assignments in school. I always loved controlling the outcomes of stories. For me, it was easy to discover my passion. What if you’re an adult and you still have no clue? Take a sheet of paper and a pen and sit in a quiet place where you won’t be disturbed for at least an hour.
Reflect on and answer the following questions:
- When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
- What could you do for hours without realizing how much time has passed?
- What are your interests as an adult?
- What would you do if you knew you couldn’t fail?
- If you had all the money in the world, what would you do for free?
- What are you good at?
- What are you interested in?
- What do you find easy but others don’t?
- What do others say you’re good at?
After answering these questions, do you see a pattern? Do you see what your passion could be?
My passion is writing. It’s what I’ve always been good at. Writing was never a chore. I excelled at spelling and grammar. I was good at painting pictures with words.
Now you have to figure out how you can make money doing what you love.
Make a list of all possible professions or businesses that involve your passion. Don’t hold back. Write down everything.
Pick the top five that appeal to you most. Put a star by them.
Circle the one thing that most stands out to you.
For me, I ultimately wanted to be a romance author. That would become my biggest career dream. I could make money writing novels, but I could also branch out into non-fiction, another interest of mine.
What one thing did you circle above? How can it help people? If you think long and hard, any career or business has the ability to help others.
This was a tough one for me. As a romance author, how could I help people? Being a romance author sounded like a lame purpose. It had to go beyond merely entertainment. When I was younger, I would read a novel and fantasize about being the heroine and having her life.
There must have been some way to combine the three into one purpose. Then it hit me! I could write the novels, but also teach people how to live their best life, while working on living my own best life. If you live your best life, then you will attract the right person into your life. You won’t settle for less. Not just with a romantic partner, but you won’t live a “settled for” life. You won’t “settle for” a business or career because it makes more money, or is what other people say you should do. You won’t “settle for” certain friendships because you think you can’t find better friends who are there for you and truly care about you (and vice versa!). You won’t “settle for” certain activities to do in your free time. You will also teach your kids not to just settle. Our best life is out there. It’s time to stop settling for second best!
So what one thing fits all three categories? That is your purpose!
Passion – You have to be passionate about it or you won’t stick with it through the tough times
Profit – You need to make a living – we need money to live
People – You have to serve people by providing a solution to their problem
If you have something that fits all three, congratulations! Now, get to work!
My purpose is in romance. I always knew it in my heart. I just didn’t know how to make it a reality in my life. Purposes are meant to help other people. How could I use romance writing to help others? So, now I’m helping people to see the life they could have if they just grow into the person they need to be. It’s not about changing who you are – it’s about enhancing the person you are.
What is your purpose? Tell me about it in the comments!
May your life be passionate!