Hi and welcome to The Passionate Quill! I am Kelly Klein and I will be your hostess as you peruse this site.
A little about me. I was born and raised in Nova Scotia, Canada. I was an early reader and flew through books. I remember being frustrated with how novels ended. I thought I could do a better job. At about age nine or ten, I knew I wanted to be an author. I mostly enjoyed romances, since finding love was my main life goal. So a dream was born.
I started a journal and kept it faithfully since then…even to this day. I still have them all, so perhaps I will pull things from them for my memoir…someday.
Over the years, I wrote articles for yearbooks and newsletters, volunteered as a library assistant, and took some library tech courses. I always held onto my dreams, and I always wrote stories – novels, fan fiction for my favourite television program, the odd poem here and there. I have encountered a lot of resistance along the way, which I will get into another day (hey, I rhymed!).
Finally, in my early 40s, I am beginning to realize my dream of becoming a romance author. Currently I have no published works but I am close. It took a lot to get the courage, strength, and confidence to get to this point…and I still have far to go.
If you have dreams, remember to:
- Be strong
- Persevere
- Have courage
- Be consistent
- Focus
- Have a good attitude
- Surround yourself with dreamers who are moving on
- Be disciplined
- Believe in yourself
Thank you for joining me here at The Passionate Quill. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, don’t hesitate to contact me. Enjoy my website!
May your life be passionate!