I’m having a hard time feeling good about myself today. I was going to post a lament on my life and how I haven’t gotten very far in the last year…and how I am not my biggest fan right now. I’ve always had a bad self-esteem. I’ve hated myself for many, many years. So I’m trying to come up with what 10 strengths I have, so that I can see that I am worthwhile after all. I want to keep to my promise of posting positive online. And, as Dory says, “Just keep swimming…just keep swimming…” because in times like this, that’s all I can do…even when I feel like I’m drowning more than swimming.
- I am awesome at spelling
- I am creative
- I am good at juggling devil sticks
- I can see things from other people’s point of views
- I am polite
- I can achieve things if I put my mind to it and work hard enough…examples being graduating high school when I thought I would fail, receiving my photography diploma, getting employee of the month when I worked at Wendy’s the first time, and most recently the driver’s licence (which I thought would never be possible for me ever)
- I have my driver’s licence which means that I can achieve something I put my mind to if I work hard enough
- I am a deep thinker
- I want to think I’m a good writer because that’s what I want to do with my life, but I’m not so sure about that
- I can draw cartoon characters that are very close to the original
- I can pick up on lyrics after listening to a song only once or twice, and I know the lyrics to many songs (especially 80s, but from all eras!)
- I am funny
- I can speak French, although I might be a little rusty
I didn’t do this to toot my own horn, because I really don’t have a horn to toot, but I hope that by posting this, it encourages other people who are feeling down, to think of their own strengths.
I don’t want to be a downer…I’d rather inspire others to live a better life, as I try to fix mine when it feels like it’s spiraling out of control. I am determined to give my story a happy ending. Right now, I’m in Act II, facing a lot of obstacles, and going through a climax of sorts (to use literary terms because that’s my thing).
So I encourage you to look at what you’re good at, and what your strengths are. If I was able to do it, anyone can. I didn’t think I would get to 5, but I made a list of 13. You can do this. I want you to feel good about yourself, because it sucks hating yourself.
Once you know what your strengths are, then capitalize on those strengths. Try to grow them. Get better at them. Don’t lament on your weaknesses. That’s what I’ve done for far too long. I have social anxiety. I get anxious in social situations. I’m working on it, but if I focus too much on it, it makes it worse.
To you, who are reading this, I hope everything is going well for you. If it isn’t, then I wish you the best in working through the problem. You got this.
One last thing…when I post positive writing online, I feel like an imposter. I feel like I am not being genuine. But then I realize that although I feel negative, being positive helps others be positive…and in turn, I feel more positive inside. It’s a win-win for everybody.
What are your strengths? We all have them! Let me know in the comments!
And if you have a hard time remembering what they are, just ask someone close to you.
Be awesome and may your life be passionate!