Life is messy. Even if you make the right decision, things don’t go perfectly smooth. There will be ups and downs. There will be doubts. But you must press on. Know that you’re doing the right thing with the information you have, no matter what it is. Follow your heart. It’s not always easy, but nothing is easy if it’s worth it. You will feel a sense of overwhelm, as I do now. Focus on one thing at a time. One area of your life at a time.

I left a relationship and there are aspects that I miss. I feel lonely sometimes. But before I can even think about having a special man in my life, I have to work on other parts of my life. I have to be the person who would attract the person I want in my life. It’s lonely. It’s hard. I have to believe I will one day be with a man who will make me wonder how I put up with the crap I put up with before.

I see it happen too often where people leave a bad situation. They work on the other parts of their lives, and somehow everything works out in the end. There are people I look up to that seem to have it all together. I know no one’s life is perfect, but I know there are lives out there better than mine. I will continue to strive to be the person I know I can be. I won’t be perfect, but I will be better.

Life is a difficult road, but I can’t go my whole life without knowing what it’s like to have my dreams come true. So I’m working hard towards them. I am setting major goals. I’m listening to upbeat music while I write this. I have five first drafts all going through editing. I am exercising again. I have 50 blog posts written that I will be slowly posting on my website over time. I am taking a writing course and a proofreading course, both of which I paid actual money for. I am taking better care of myself. I’m smiling every day. I’m drinking more water. Just little things; one step at a time.

I’m feeling positive. I don’t want to dip into negativity which happens from time to time. I am happier in the place I’m in right now; mentally, physically, and emotionally.

If you have a positive day, tap into it! Don’t let yourself dip! It will be worth it when you look back on your life and say that you are in a different place than you were in yesteryear. When you are positive, write down all the things that are making you that way. Maybe it’s the sun shining down on you, or a trip to the beach. Maybe you’re grateful for the people in your life. Maybe it’s the music you’re listening to. Maybe you feel like you can take on the world. Trust me, the feeling will come and go. It’s up to you to hold onto it as long as you can so that your dips will be short-lived.

Our lives are a series of peaks and valleys. Take a trek up the mountain, then, if you can, help others navigate their way up to sit beside you.

So my playlist has tons of music from all genres of music. Right now, an old Beach Boys hit just came on. It fits what my ramblings are trying to convey:


Basically, metaphorically speaking, if you can grab onto something, then you could be sitting on top of the world. The world can be harsh, so if something happens to motivate you to attract a better life, then grab onto it with all your might and hold on. It’ll be a crazy ride, but so worth it!

I hope this makes sense. This was an impromptu writing of what is on my mind. This is also very literally creative procrastination, as I’m supposed to be working on something else, moving myself forward. I just wanted to share my thoughts on this beautiful day.

Everyone can stand to improve their lives. What are YOU doing to move yourself forward? Let me know in the comments! I get inspired, knowing there are others reaching for their dreams!

Be awesome and may your life be passionate!

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