Something fun that is helping me to focus on the positive! I wanted to share what my dreams are. These dreams have been compiled since I was young. They are in no particular order, and I mixed up the dreams I had as a child with the ones I have as an adult. I removed some dreams that no longer apply. Some of them I have already done, but I left them there because I want to check them off my list. There’s no explanation as to why anything is on my list.
This list seems long, but there is a lot of life left in me, and I plan to achieve 99.99% of them. Aw, heck, let’s go for 100%!
Enjoy, let me know what you think, and please share with me what your dreams are!
- Have a beautiful wedding ceremony outside by the ocean
- Write and publish 10+ books
- Travel the world
- Own a house by the ocean
- Horses and horseback riding lessons
- Own a Black 2021 Mustang GT Convertible
- Have an inspiring dinner with Michael J. Fox
- Go backpacking in the Scottish Highlands
- Get my driver’s licence
- Learn to drive standard
- Homeschool my son to the end of Grade 9
- Have $1,000,000 in the bank
- Two-week camping trip to the Cape Breton Highlands
- Teach adults to read
- Dance in the rain
- Dance in a thunderstorm
- Take a walk alone at 02:00
- Discover ten hiking trails
- Go on a whale-watching tour
- Watch the Perseid meteor shower for a few hours
- Face my fears
- Make one best friend for life
- Walk the entire boardwalk on the waterfront
- Have a day of solitude by the ocean
- Have a romantic picnic
- Try something new and completely out of character
- Buy a cabin on a large piece of property in Cape Breton or on Cape Sable Island
- Make my future dream house into a home
- Landscape the yard
- Get my body back to my ideal shape and weight (120-130)
- Stay in a cabin by the ocean
- Take a long bike ride alone
- Own 10,000 books
- Be beautiful
- Take a weekend off
- Walk every path in Point Pleasant Park and reflect by the ocean
- Ride in a limousine
- Take a trek to a remote waterfall and spend the day there
- Go on a ghost walk
- Go on a train ride across Canada
- Walk through Public Gardens and sit under the weeping beech tree alone for the day
- Love myself
- Go on a radical sabbatical in another country
- Help five different charities and organizations
- Walk 100,000 steps in one day
- Earn $10,000 per month in passive income
- Watch a sunset
- Make my son laugh out loud
- Learn to swordfight
- Take Keiran somewhere he hasn’t been before
- Cruise with the top down in a convertible ‘Stang with the music blaring
- Road trip to somewhere I’ve never been
- Try something completely new
- Kiss in the rain
- Write 25 romance novels
- Walk in the surf barefoot
- Brighten someone’s day
- Shakespeare by the Sea
- Watch a sunrise
- Say “Hi” to a stranger
- Witness something majestic
- Try a new and exotic food in its native country
- Make love outdoors
- Learn one piano piece and play it perfectly
- Write 100,000 words in one month
- Be a shoulder for someone
- Honour the past and let it go
- Learn a new dance routine
- Affect someone emotionally with my writing
- Learn about a topic I know nothing about
- Start a business
- Lose track of time
- Write a short story
- Have a genuine spiritual experience
- Have a day off
- Ride a boat
- Go to a rock concert
- Cook a gourmet meal
- Lose myself, and then find yself
- Walk along the waterfront at night
- Have a bonfire in my backyard
- Do something that terrifies me
- Help someone in need
- Enter a writing contest
- Dress up
- Draw a cartoon character
- Let loose and have fun
- Drive a Mustang
- Have an at-home spa day
- Write a letter to someone I respect
- Do something unexpected
- Cuddle on a cold winter’s night
- Be a princess
- Meet a neighbor
- Laugh until I cry
- Hike to Cape Split
- Sleep under the stars
- Go to the ocean at night
- Watch a fireworks show
- Have a day of fun
- Put my life back on track
- Write a mystery
- Go to the drive-in theatre
- Drive along the South Shore
- Drive along the French Shore
- Drive along the Eastern Shore
- Sit in silence for a few hours
- Sit in silence for a few hours
- Have an epiphany
- Learn conversational Dutch
- Hike the most challenging path of the Cape Breton Highlands National Park
- Be genuinely happy
- Walk around a small town
- Slow dance
- Sell 25 photographs
- Write a poem
- Camp at Kejimkujik as an adult
- Write my memoir
- Hike the Fundy Trail
- Cuddle a dog
- See the New Kids on the Block in concert
- Visit 25 waterfalls
- Learn ballet
- Learn to salsa
- Go camping
- Go bicycling
- Teach someone to read
- Make the 10-day trek to Everest Base Camp
- Make amends with the past and people of the past
- Catch up completely with all the books I own
- Solve a major problem for someone
- Have a live-in housekeeper, chef, and personal trainer
- New wardrobe
- House on the ocean
- Help family
- DSLR camera
- Laser eye surgery
- Sail across the ocean
- See Queen in concert
- Getaway with my future husband
- Full makeover
- Bicycle
- Have a personal library in my house
- Have a wooden gazebo
- Have a pool with a waterfall and comfortable lawn furniture
- Give 100$ bills to random homeless people
- Hike many different trails at home and around the world
- Exercise equipment
- Flat-top stove, fancy washer and dryer, dishwasher
- Learn various dances – ballroom, salsa, tango, ballet, hip hop, dirty, belly, etc
- Swim with dolphins
- Hike the Highlands of Scotland
- Tour a volcano
- Sit behind a waterfall in quiet reflection
- Have a personal assistant
- Help children to learn principles that I didn’t learn until I was an adult – similar to Big Brothers Big Sisters
- Tour America
- Tour Europe
- Visit the Amazon Rainforest
- Visit the Sahara Desert
- Meet someone famous
- Long horseback riding trip
- African safari
- Visit the North Pole
- Visit the South Pole
- Have a successful business based around romance
- Cruise in the Mediterranean, visiting several countries
- Cruise in the Caribbean, visiting several countries
- Cruise in Alaska
- Visit the Egyptian pyramids
- Relax on ten beaches around the world
- Spend a month in Hawaii
- Spend a month in Italy
- Spend a month in Florida
- Spend a month in Holland.
- Photograph a wolf in his natural habitat
- Have lunch with a famous author
- Have a book I’ve written made into a movie
- Write and sell 5 screenplays
- Gain respect
- See Keiran become a success
- Spend a week in complete solitude and no interruptions
- Help others to achieve their dreams
- Go sledding down the largest, longest hill I can find
- Go skiing
- Go rollerblading
- See the world’s largest waterfall
- Meet the Queen of England
- Host a large dinner for many family members and friends
- Do a book signing
- Go on a romantic vacation to several countries around the world
- Live my life unapologetically
- Be light and as free as a bird
- Fund an animal shelter
- Give a dying child a dream
- Work on a movie behind the camera
- Work on a movie in front of the camera
- Attend a taping of a television show
- Experience the magic of life
- And any additional dreams that come up along the way
What’s on YOUR bucket list?
May your life be passionate!