Something fun that is helping me to focus on the positive! I wanted to share what my dreams are. These dreams have been compiled since I was young. They are in no particular order, and I mixed up the dreams I had as a child with the ones I have as an adult. I removed some dreams that no longer apply. Some of them I have already done, but I left them there because I want to check them off my list. There’s no explanation as to why anything is on my list.

This list seems long, but there is a lot of life left in me, and I plan to achieve 99.99% of them. Aw, heck, let’s go for 100%!

Enjoy, let me know what you think, and please share with me what your dreams are!

  1. Have a beautiful wedding ceremony outside by the ocean
  2. Write and publish 10+ books
  3. Travel the world
  4. Own a house by the ocean
  5. Horses and horseback riding lessons
  6. Own a Black 2021 Mustang GT Convertible
  7. Have an inspiring dinner with Michael J. Fox
  8. Go backpacking in the Scottish Highlands
  9. Get my driver’s licence
  10. Learn to drive standard
  11. Homeschool my son to the end of Grade 9
  12. Have $1,000,000 in the bank
  13. Two-week camping trip to the Cape Breton Highlands
  14. Teach adults to read
  15. Dance in the rain
  16. Dance in a thunderstorm
  17. Take a walk alone at 02:00
  18. Discover ten hiking trails
  19. Go on a whale-watching tour
  20. Watch the Perseid meteor shower for a few hours
  21. Face my fears
  22. Make one best friend for life
  23. Walk the entire boardwalk on the waterfront
  24. Have a day of solitude by the ocean
  25. Have a romantic picnic
  26. Try something new and completely out of character
  27. Buy a cabin on a large piece of property in Cape Breton or on Cape Sable Island
  28. Make my future dream house into a home
  29. Landscape the yard
  30. Get my body back to my ideal shape and weight (120-130)
  31. Stay in a cabin by the ocean
  32. Take a long bike ride alone
  33. Own 10,000 books
  34. Be beautiful
  35. Take a weekend off
  36. Walk every path in Point Pleasant Park and reflect by the ocean
  37. Ride in a limousine
  38. Take a trek to a remote waterfall and spend the day there
  39. Go on a ghost walk
  40. Go on a train ride across Canada
  41. Walk through Public Gardens and sit under the weeping beech tree alone for the day
  42. Love myself
  43. Go on a radical sabbatical in another country
  44. Help five different charities and organizations
  45. Walk 100,000 steps in one day
  46. Earn $10,000 per month in passive income
  47. Watch a sunset
  48. Make my son laugh out loud
  49. Learn to swordfight
  50. Take Keiran somewhere he hasn’t been before
  51. Cruise with the top down in a convertible ‘Stang with the music blaring
  52. Road trip to somewhere I’ve never been
  53. Try something completely new
  54. Kiss in the rain
  55. Write 25 romance novels
  56. Walk in the surf barefoot
  57. Brighten someone’s day
  58. Shakespeare by the Sea
  59. Watch a sunrise
  60. Say “Hi” to a stranger
  61. Witness something majestic
  62. Try a new and exotic food in its native country
  63. Make love outdoors
  64. Learn one piano piece and play it perfectly
  65. Write 100,000 words in one month
  66. Be a shoulder for someone
  67. Honour the past and let it go
  68. Learn a new dance routine
  69. Affect someone emotionally with my writing
  70. Learn about a topic I know nothing about
  71. Start a business
  72. Lose track of time
  73. Write a short story
  74. Have a genuine spiritual experience
  75. Have a day off
  76. Ride a boat
  77. Go to a rock concert
  78. Cook a gourmet meal
  79. Lose myself, and then find yself
  80. Walk along the waterfront at night
  81. Have a bonfire in my backyard
  82. Do something that terrifies me
  83. Help someone in need
  84. Enter a writing contest
  85. Dress up
  86. Draw a cartoon character
  87. Let loose and have fun
  88. Drive a Mustang
  89. Have an at-home spa day
  90. Write a letter to someone I respect
  91. Do something unexpected
  92. Cuddle on a cold winter’s night
  93. Be a princess
  94. Meet a neighbor
  95. Laugh until I cry
  96. Hike to Cape Split
  97. Sleep under the stars
  98. Go to the ocean at night
  99. Watch a fireworks show
  100. Have a day of fun
  101. Put my life back on track
  102. Write a mystery
  103. Go to the drive-in theatre
  104. Drive along the South Shore
  105. Drive along the French Shore
  106. Drive along the Eastern Shore
  107. Sit in silence for a few hours
  108. Sit in silence for a few hours
  109. Have an epiphany
  110. Learn conversational Dutch
  111. Hike the most challenging path of the Cape Breton Highlands National Park
  112. Be genuinely happy
  113. Walk around a small town
  114. Slow dance
  115. Sell 25 photographs
  116. Write a poem
  117. Camp at Kejimkujik as an adult
  118. Write my memoir
  119. Hike the Fundy Trail
  120. Cuddle a dog
  121. See the New Kids on the Block in concert
  122. Visit 25 waterfalls
  123. Learn ballet
  124. Learn to salsa
  125. Go camping
  126. Go bicycling
  127. Teach someone to read
  128. Make the 10-day trek to Everest Base Camp
  129. Make amends with the past and people of the past
  130. Catch up completely with all the books I own
  131. Solve a major problem for someone
  132. Have a live-in housekeeper, chef, and personal trainer
  133. New wardrobe
  134. House on the ocean
  135. Help family
  136. DSLR camera
  137. Laser eye surgery
  138. Sail across the ocean
  139. See Queen in concert
  140. Getaway with my future husband
  141. Full makeover
  142. Bicycle
  143. Have a personal library in my house
  144. Have a wooden gazebo
  145. Have a pool with a waterfall and comfortable lawn furniture
  146. Give 100$ bills to random homeless people
  147. Hike many different trails at home and around the world
  148. Exercise equipment
  149. Flat-top stove, fancy washer and dryer, dishwasher
  150. Learn various dances – ballroom, salsa, tango, ballet, hip hop, dirty, belly, etc
  151. Swim with dolphins
  152. Hike the Highlands of Scotland
  153. Tour a volcano
  154. Sit behind a waterfall in quiet reflection
  155. Have a personal assistant
  156. Help children to learn principles that I didn’t learn until I was an adult – similar to Big Brothers Big Sisters
  157. Tour America
  158. Tour Europe
  159. Visit the Amazon Rainforest
  160. Visit the Sahara Desert
  161. Meet someone famous
  162. Long horseback riding trip
  163. African safari
  164. Visit the North Pole
  165. Visit the South Pole
  166. Have a successful business based around romance
  167. Cruise in the Mediterranean, visiting several countries
  168. Cruise in the Caribbean, visiting several countries
  169. Cruise in Alaska
  170. Visit the Egyptian pyramids
  171. Relax on ten beaches around the world
  172. Spend a month in Hawaii
  173. Spend a month in Italy
  174. Spend a month in Florida
  175. Spend a month in Holland.
  176. Photograph a wolf in his natural habitat
  177. Have lunch with a famous author
  178. Have a book I’ve written made into a movie
  179. Write and sell 5 screenplays
  180. Gain respect
  181. See Keiran become a success
  182. Spend a week in complete solitude and no interruptions
  183. Help others to achieve their dreams
  184. Go sledding down the largest, longest hill I can find
  185. Go skiing
  186. Go rollerblading
  187. See the world’s largest waterfall
  188. Meet the Queen of England
  189. Host a large dinner for many family members and friends
  190. Do a book signing
  191. Go on a romantic vacation to several countries around the world
  192. Live my life unapologetically
  193. Be light and as free as a bird
  194. Fund an animal shelter
  195. Give a dying child a dream
  196. Work on a movie behind the camera
  197. Work on a movie in front of the camera
  198. Attend a taping of a television show
  199. Experience the magic of life
  200. And any additional dreams that come up along the way

What’s on YOUR bucket list?

May your life be passionate!

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