Have you ever struggled with loving yourself because you think no one loves you? I admit this used to be a struggle for me.

Has it ever occurred to you that just because someone doesn’t tell you, doesn’t mean they don’t feel it? I’m a words-of-affirmation gal, so it’s a hard pill for me to swallow.

What if there’s someone at your work who is excited you share a shift together?

What if the elderly neighbour you shovel a driveway for looks forward to your company?

What if a person is happy you showed up to the family gathering, even if they don’t talk to you much?

What if there’s an old classmate that looks up to you with respect, but never mentions it? (I admit there are a few I admired)

What if the clerk at the small store you sometimes go to looks forward to you showing up?

What if you have old friends who remember you, with a smile?

What if there are people out there whom you didn’t realize you helped just by a small act of kindness?

No matter how you’re feeling, I can guarantee you are loved. When I was in the depths of depression, I believed no one loved me. No one seemed to care. Then I got help for my depression, left a toxic relationship, and my family rallied around me. I am loved after all.

Don’t you dare think you are unlovable. You are worthy of love, even if you don’t feel like it sometimes. Believe it with all your heart and you will feel it with all your soul. Be awesome and may your life be passionate!

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